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Adoption Options

Adoption Options

In an attempt to keep cats from being euthanized and promote responsible ownership, local animal lovers are joining forces.

Patti's Inspiration

One local woman’s journey leads to a new way of cancer care here

Slow but steady: Nine years of Terrace history

At her last council meeting, Carol Leclerc took the opportunity to highlight some of the changes she’s witnessed in those nine years.
Making the grade?

Making the grade?

Blank report cards were mailed to Coast Mountains students’ homes last week.
Earthquake means 'drop, cover, hold on'

Earthquake means 'drop, cover, hold on'

The best way to protect yourself from falling objects in an earthquake is ducking under a desk or sturdy table until one minute after the shaking stops.
Town Talk: What does Terrace, BC have in common with Tillsonburg, Ontario?

Town Talk: What does Terrace, BC have in common with Tillsonburg, Ontario?

Getting soaked in a deluge one morning last summer while walking to Coffee Culture in my hometown of Tillsonburg, Ontario, put me in mind
Market mavens

Market mavens

Saving money is no passing fashion, and now social media is giving spend-thrifty consumers in Terrace yet another avenue to save a buck — or hundreds.

Money-smart workshop looks at budgeting

A FINANCIAL workshop is underway to help people get out of debt and make better choices with their money.
Spawning barrier overcome

Spawning barrier overcome

KWINAGEESE RIVER salmon are once more making their way to their spawning grounds after biologists and engineers crafted a plan to help them clear a waterfall that had been blocking their passage.
Work starts to clean up Hurley Creek

Work starts to clean up Hurley Creek

Concerns for fish living in Thornhill’s Hurley Creek have prompted action, but questions remain about what is polluting the urban stream.